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I2SL's E-Library is a portal of information from around the world on new applied technologies, lessons learned, and other valuable resources for architects, engineers, builders, owners, and operators of laboratories and other high-technology facilities.

The links below include technical papers and reports on high-technology facilities contributed by our audience. Papers are organized by topic and then alphabetical by title.


Interested in submitting something to our E-Library? If you have a paper, case study, presentation, or other piece of useful information that you would like to share with the sustainable laboratory community, we would like to hear from you! Simply email your submission suggestion to I2SL.

Data Center

A Cool Competition for Sustainable Labs, Nature (2019)

A Guide to Navigating Building and Fire Codes for Laboratories (2014)

Better Buildings Alliance - Laboratories Project Team

ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Laboratory Subcommittee Guidance Document

ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force: Schools and Universities

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Reopening Guidance for Laboratories

Applying lessons learned from 9/11 biodefense response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Jeffrey Lee Schantz, Healthcare Facilities Today | Michael Weiss, Healthcare Facilities Today

Approaches to Incorporating Green Chemistry and Safety into Laboratory Culture

Natalie J. O’Neil, Beyond Benign | Star Scott, University of Georgia
Rachael Relph, My Green Lab | Ettigounder Ponnusamy, MilliporeSigma

COVID-19 Back-to-Work Planning Briefing (2020)

Massachusetts High Technology Council

Case Study Approach to Green Chemistry Impacts on Science Facility Design and Operations: Regents Hall of Natural Sciences at St. Olaf College

Paul T. Jackson, St. Olaf College

Challenges in Adapting Historic Buildings for New Science Teaching and Research

Ken Sheehan, Alliiance

Climate Neutral Research Campuses

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Climate-informed HVAC Increases in Relative Humidity May Fight Pandemic Viruses (2020)

George Karidis, SmithGroup | Robert Thompson, SmithGroup

Edison's Data Center: 380Vdc Brings Reliability and Efficiency to Sustainable Data Centers (2012)

Guy AlLee | William Tschudi

Employing Intelligent Building Design and IoT to Maintain Environmental Safety and Confidence in Facilities (2020)

Lisa Wesel, Tradeline

For Some Biotech Employees in the Age of COVID-19, the Workday Starts at the Bathroom Sink (2020)

Jonathan Saltzman, Boston Globe

Guidance for Designing Health and Residential Care Facilities that Respond and Adapt to Emergency Conditions (2021)

The Facility Guidelines Institute

I2SL Best Practices Guide: Laboratory Resilience

Lisa Churchill, Climate Advisory | George Karidis, SmithGroup | Jacob Werner, Perkins&Will

Information on Maintaining or Restoring Water Quality in Buildings With Low or No Use

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Laboratory Fume Hoods: Guidelines for Building Owners, Design Professionals, and Maintenance Personnel (2013)

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Market Assessment of Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Laboratories (2015)

Allison Paradise, My Green Lab, as part of the Center for Energy Efficient Laboratories

Team Science: Designing for Research in the Information Age (2020)

Bryan Croeni, B+A Advance Strategy

Technical Bulletin: Expanded Polystyrene Use in Laboratories (2021)

Michaela Barnett, HEASC Fellow, University of Virginia | Ilyssa O. Gordon, MD, PhD, Laboratory Waste Landfill Diversion Working Group Co-Chair, Medical Director, Sustainability, Cleveland Clinic | Kelly O. Weisinger, Laboratory Waste Landfill Diversion Working Group Co-Chair, Director of Sustainability, Emory University and Emory Healthcare

Technical Bulletin: Retro-Commissioning Laboratories for Energy Efficiency

Geoffrey Bell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Paul Mathew, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Lincoln Pierce, PE, IMEG | Raphael Vitti, PE, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Evolution of Academic Research Facilities: Workplace Trends and Emerging Technologies Reshape Laboratory Design (2019)

Irene Monis, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, SmithGroup Inc.

Thinking Outside the Icebox on Lab Sustainability, Nature (2017)

A conversation with Allison Paradise, My Green Lab

Thinking Outside the Icebox on Lab Sustainability, Nature (2018)

A conversation with Phil Wirdzek, International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories

Cell Signaling Technology
Millipore Sigma
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