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Chapter Resources

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Following are resources I2SL Chapters can use as they develop and promote their chapter activities. If you have thoughts on additional resources to include on this page, please contact I2SL.

Chapter Tools

Chapter Best Practice Guide

A guide with best practices and tips for operating a chapter, administration and finance, planning and holding events, fundraising, and communications.

I2SL Chapter PowerPoint Presentation

Use this presentation to educate those involved in your chapter about I2SL and its activities, or as a branded PPT template for your I2SL-related talks.

I2SL Membership Flier

This flier can be printed out and distributed to promote membership in I2SL. The flier includes information about member benefits, membership responsibilities, and how to become an I2SL member.

Guide to Starting an I2SL Chapter

Prospective chapters can use this guide to help them get started and to learn more about chapter requirements and benefits.

Basic Event Planning Timeline for I2SL Chapter Events

A guide to help your chapter ensure it is scheduling enough time to plan and promote their events.

I2SL Distinguished Speakers

A list of speakers in the I2SL community from which chapters can choose a speaker for an upcoming event.

Energy Score Event-in-a-Box

Use this sample agenda and tips to plan the a Labs2Zero Energy Score hands-on event; I2SL will provide a speaker to travel or present remotely, or we can train an ambassador on using Lab Benchmarking Tool. Contact Kathleen Brady for assistance.

Chapter Administration

Anchor 1

Chapter Payment Schedule

* A chapter's operating year begins on the date the chapter receives official approval from I2SL HQ's Board of Directors.

Chapter Payment Form Template

For chapters that use I2SL HQ for accounting services, please request any payees (sponsors, event attendees, etc.) complete this form when providing payment to I2SL HQ. This will help I2SL HQ quickly and properly process funds. This form can be customized with your chapter name and logo.

Chapter Reimbursement Request Form Template

For chapters that use I2SL HQ for accounting services, please use this form when requesting a check from I2SL for a chapter expense reimbursement.

Invoice Template

If chapter sponsors or other payees request an invoice, chapters can customize and send this template.

Receipt Template

Chapters can customize and send this receipt template to chapter sponsors and other payees.

Thank You Letter Template

Chapters can customize and send this thank you letter template to chapter sponsors.

W-9 Form

Because I2SL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, sponsorship contributions are eligible for a tax deduction. Sponsors may need this form for their files.

IRS Approval Document

If you need further documentation verifying I2SL's 501(c)(3) status, please refer to the IRS approval document.

Certificate of Liability Insurance

Review this insurance document for information about what insurance I2SL HQ provides for chapters.

Reporting Chapter Events

If you are holding a chapter event, please complete this form to notify headquarters of the event.  I2SL will add chapter events to the Chapter Events page and calendar.

Chapter Bylaws

I2SL recommends that chapters create bylaws to ensure consistency in how the organization operates. A sub-committee of I2SL's Executive Advisory Committee created sample bylaws that chapters can use as a starting point for their own bylaws. View the sample bylaws.

Additionally, the following established bylaws from I2SL Chapters are available for reference:

Chapter Charter Form

Once a prospective chapter is ready to be incorporated, please complete the Chapter Charter Application and submit it to I2SL HQ.

To Be Paid

Chapter Start Up Fee

One-time fee to be paid within two months of receiving acceptance as an I2SL Chapter


$1,200 for international chapters

Chapter Annual Operation Fee

(including international chapters)

Annual fee to be paid upon invoice from I2SL HQ at close of I2SL's fiscal year.

Chapters that are approved after October 1 are not subject to this fee until their next operating year*.

10% of Chapter Gross Revenue (minimum $300)

Chapter Annual Accounting Fee
Not applicable to incorporated, 501(c)(3) chapters or international chapters.

Annual fee to be paid upon invoice from I2SL HQ at close of I2SL's fiscal year. During their first operating year, Chapters will pay a prorated fee based on their operating year start date*.


chapter payment form
chapter reimbursement form

Obtaining AIA Credits for Chapter Events

I2SL is an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education System provider. Chapters interested in offering AIA or other continuing education credits for their educational events can do so through I2SL. Learn more.

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