Partnership Program
If your company or institution is interested in contributing data to help develop Labs2Zero benchmarking or promoting Labs2Zero to your constituents, you are eligible to become a Labs2Zero partner. Labs2Zero partnership is free, but there are requirements for partners to remain in good standing, including reporting annual lab building and energy data using the I2SL Laboratory Benchmarking Tool (LBT), providing building embodied carbon data, or promoting Labs2Zero tools.
Labs2Zero currently has three different types of partnership; click on the partner type below to view each Partnership Agreement:
Owner partners are public or private institutions that own or operate labs and can provide building energy data.
Consulting partners work for lab owners or operators and are authorized to provide their building or energy data.
Promotional partners are non-profit institutions that represent lab owners, users, or others who can provide data.
Please review the flier at the right to see if your organization qualifies for partnership, then fill out and sign the appropriate partnership agreement linked above and submit to to become a Labs2Zero partner organization.
Labs2Zero Partnership Requirements
Agree to have your organization listed on the I2SL website
Agree to have your logo included in various Labs2Zero materials and online tools
Provide data, either through the LBT on an annual basis, or by providing embodied emissions data supporting the development of an Emissions Score for labs, where applicable
Labs2Zero Partnership Benefits
Receive a branded Labs2Zero Partner logo to post on your websites and in materials
Receive talking points for how to refer to your participation in the program
Have opportunities to participate in a community of practice with other lab owners concerned about reducing energy and emissions from lab facilities
Are recognized on I2SL’s website, in program materials, and through various virtual and in-person outlets
For more information about partnering with the Labs2Zero program or to request a Labs2Zero Partnership Agreement, please email